By Christian Reporter News (other events)

Thursday, April 25 2019 9:00 AM 12:00 PM CST

Fellow Ministers,

I pray all is well.  I am hosting “Clergy Day Next” at Goodfellow AFB on Thursday, 25 April, 0900 to 1200.

Similar to last year, our day will include a wing mission briefing and a tour of our base and Airmen Ministry center. New this year, we will have a fire training demonstration at the Fire Academy.

We will conclude at the chapel with a time of prayer and discussion about how we can partner in ministry, then have lunch.

If you are interested, please give us your: 1) name as it appears on your driver’s license, 2) your date of birth, 3) and your driver’s license number. This will allow you base access so you can drive onto base.

We will meet me at the visitor at 0845 (see attached map), and then we will caravan to the chapel.

Thanks for all that you do to minister to our beloved city of San Angelo.


Ch Bob Borger