Elisabeth Sabaditsch-Wolff has lived her life on the frontlines of modern-day history her whole life. Today Austria is experiencing firsthand what it is like to have your country overrun by refugees, the horrors of gang rapes in the town squares, lifestyle and culture being destroyed, and for Elisabeth - being arrested and convicted for speaking truth. Yes - when truth becomes hate speech, your worst nightmares begin.
In a presentation, Elisabeth stated that fact that Mohammad married a young girl who was only six years old, consummated the marriage when she was nine years old, and that is known as pedophilia, which is documented in the Book of Mohammad. She was arrested for this statement. When the judge realized that convicting someone of telling the truth would be odd, he changed the charge against her to speaking against a nationally recognized religion.
These are the horrors that are beginning to emerge here in the States. She has a message and a warning for us. You will not want to miss hearing directly from someone who is living on the frontlines of a country being invaded by ISIS/Islamic ideology.
With their newly elected government, Elisabeth's topic will be: Can Austria's newly formed government halt Europe's Islamization? This will make the case that, while it's great to have a conservative government, it's still up to the people to do the work on the ground. This applies to the US as well.
Doors will open at 6:00 p.m. with the program beginning at 6:30 p.m. This is a FREE event. A love offering will be received for Elisabeth to offset her pending legal costs.